
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tyler’s Mission Farewell

Harris and I were really lucky to be able to go out to Colorado for Tyler’s mission farewell. He is going to the Uruguay Montevideo West Mission and he is going to the Argentina MTC! He leaves on August 25th and will be gone for 2 years.  We were able to spend a few days with him and we got to go golfing and fishing before he had to leave.

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Fishing was funny because we got there so late, so it was pretty much pitch, black. Obviously no one caught anything but algae, but we got a lot of casting practice in.   

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On Sunday Tyler gave his farewell talk.  He did such a great job and of course I was crying the whole time. After church we all did a little photo shoot.

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Later that night we had a few people over to say goodbye to Tyler.  The young women in the ward came and gave him a creative card and sang him a stinking cute song!!DSCN1994


I was so proud of him! He has such a strong testimony and I know that he will be blessed for wanting to give two years of his life to the Lord.  He is such a great example to me and to my future family. Harris and I will miss him so much!


  1. How'd you get that font? Anyway, it looks like you guys all had a fun time celebrating Ty's mission! I TOTALLY wish we were there too!:( That song the YW sang was so funny! He is going to be such a great missionary!

  2. He really is going to be great!! We wish that you could have been there. O, and the font was just on my windows live writer thing.

  3. Love the Taylor's crazy life blog!...ummm, no mention of the kidney stones...that's totally part of one crazy life! :) We are so thankful you both could be here for Tyler! Love you both tons and tons!!!!!!
